Sunday, May 23, 2010

This blog thing turned out to be harder than.....

I thought it would be. The hardest thing is to keep up with the writing. The reading part is easy, you read, reflect, scribble down some notes and continue to read. I´ve managed to finish two books already; Joseph Conrad´s Heart of Darkness and Ernest Hemingway´s Fiesta: The Sun also rises. I will come back and write more on my thoughts on these books later, but for now, I just wanted to write a little something so you know that I haven´t deserted this blog. I´m now reading Truman Capote´s In cold blood again. I started reading it, but I got caught up with Heart of Darkness and then Hemingway, but now I´ll finish the book before I read something else.

I went to the bookstore today and looked through the English book section, and found the book On the road by Jack Kerouac. I´ve never heard of the man before until yesterday when I sat and watched an interview with Benicio where he talked about Hemingway and Jack Kerouac. Since I´m concentrating on books that he has read, I thought I would give On the road a go. I also found The Bolivian Diary by Ernesto Che Guevara which Che: Part Two is based on.

It´s an amazing world to step into. You learn a lot about different things you haven´t discovered before. I´m really excited about what´s to come and what I can learn from each author or book every time I start reading a new one. Because each writer have their own style and that is what I find so interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I understand it´s difficult but I think you have done a good job so far. You have brought up some good points. So keep on going. :)
